
Showing posts from February, 2018

Black Panther Review

Black Panther: The Evolution of the Villain Black Panther is by far the most important film to be released by Marvel Studios. Sure Iron Man launched the franchise, The Avengers created a new standard for comic book films, Captain America: The Winter Soldier seriously tackled politics, but it was Black Panther that caused the revolution. Up until the announcement of Black Panther and Captain Marvel (and possible Black Widow ) Marvel refused to deviate from their usual white male hero. Sure it worked for them and made them a lot of money, but look at what having an all-black cast did to increase the studio’s popularity and dollar value. Black Panther comes second to only The Avengers in terms of highest grossing opening weekend film; it dominated ticket pre-sales, made millions more than was expected, and is still the most talked about film six days after its release. It’s almost like having POC and female heroes is important to audiences around the world…imagine that.