
Black Panther Review

Black Panther: The Evolution of the Villain Black Panther is by far the most important film to be released by Marvel Studios. Sure Iron Man launched the franchise, The Avengers created a new standard for comic book films, Captain America: The Winter Soldier seriously tackled politics, but it was Black Panther that caused the revolution. Up until the announcement of Black Panther and Captain Marvel (and possible Black Widow ) Marvel refused to deviate from their usual white male hero. Sure it worked for them and made them a lot of money, but look at what having an all-black cast did to increase the studio’s popularity and dollar value. Black Panther comes second to only The Avengers in terms of highest grossing opening weekend film; it dominated ticket pre-sales, made millions more than was expected, and is still the most talked about film six days after its release. It’s almost like having POC and female heroes is important to audiences around the world…imagine that.

Character Review MTV's Teen Wolf

Derek Hale Werewolf  Derek Hale: deadpan, annoyed, violent, smart, loving, strong, brave, loyal, resilient. Derek Hale, portrayed by Tyler Hoechlin, is one of six original characters on MTV’s Teen Wolf . He is a born werewolf and becomes the ‘father’ to a group of teenagers who won’t listen to anything he says, especially Scott McCall in seasons one and two. Derek can be labeled as the most tragic character on the series; it starts out when his first love, Paige, is bitten by a werewolf and her body rejects the bite. She pleads with Derek to end her suffering, which changes his eyes from yellow to blue (blue meaning that the werewolf has taken the life of an innocent person). In his time of recovery over Paige he is seduced by an older woman, Kate Argent, who ends up using him to gain access to his family’s house and sets the house on fire around the Hales leaving only Derek, his sister Laura, and his uncle Peter alive. Coming in to season one we find out that Peter escape

Character Review MTV's Teen Wolf

Stiles Stilinski Human Stiles Stilinski: jaded, sarcastic, dramatic, funny, smart, FBI trainee, hero, best friend.  Stiles Stilinski, portrayed by Dylan O’Brien, is Scott McCall’s best friend on MTV’s Teen Wolf . Stiles started out as one of six characters in season one; Scott, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Derek Hale, and Jackson Whittemore. During the pilot episode Stiles has not yet become jaded and he was able to form relationships much easier than in later seasons. Best friends since childhood Scott and Stiles label themselves as brothers, Stiles is fond of Allison, he has been in love with Lydia since the third grade, he’s almost positive that Derek wants to kill him, and he absolutely hates Jackson Whittemore.  Stiles is the comedic relief of Teen Wolf . He is set up to be the opposite of Scott in almost every way; Scott trusts easily, Stiles does not. Scott gives second chances, Stiles does not (well he says he doesn’t but there are exceptions to that rule). S

Character Review MTV's Teen Wolf

Jackson Whittemore Kanima Jackson Whittemore: arrogant, self-centered, power-hungry, lonely, orphan, co-captain. Jackson Whittemore, portrayed by Colton Haynes, is one of six original-main characters on MTV’s Teen Wolf . If this review is going to be honest, it’s best to start out by saying most Teen Wolf fans hate him. I both love and hate Jackson; I have never truly been able to make up my mind about him. But he was there at the beginning and he was there at the end so it’s only fitting that he should part of my character reviews for Teen Wolf . I’ll start with his bad qualities, the most obvious being his relationship with Lydia Martin. In the pilot Jackson and Lydia are the power couple of the school, Jackson is the lacrosse captain and Lydia is the most beautiful girl at Beacon Hills High. Jackson was never quite nice to Lydia even in the pilot. To be fair, however, Lydia liked to beat Jackson down a peg every time he got too full of himself. But they were together, an

Character Review MTV's Teen Wolf

Lydia Martin Banshee Lydia Martin: best friend, warrior, survivor, beautiful, banshee, genius. Lydia Martin is one of MTV’s Teen Wolf best characters. Lydia is season one is arrogant, slightly obnoxious, self-obsessed, queen of Beacon Hills High. Season one Lydia is also a great friend (minus that one kiss with Scott), worried about her friends, and cunning, but mostly importantly season one Lydia refuses to be pushed around by a man…and oh yeah, she’s a genius. We come to learn in season three that Lydia’s IQ is at least 170, if not higher. Lydia ultimately needs a push from Allison, Stiles, and Scott but she is the one who recognizes that she doesn’t have to put up a front for other people. The real Lydia Martin is amazing, why pretend to something less than that? Lydia has had a rough journey on Teen Wolf . In Seasons 1 and 2 she is cast aside and verbally abused by Jackson. Season 1 she is bit by Peter. Season 2 her mind is controlled by Peter to br

Character Review MTV's Teen Wolf

Allison Argent Hunter Allison Argent: noble, warrior, archer, lover, fighter, strategist, leader, protector. I’m going to make a bold statement in this character review; Allison Argent was the best female character on television since Buffy Summers. She was played by the amazingly talented Crystal Reed. In the pilot of Teen Wolf it appeared as if Allison would only have one job in the series: be Scott McCall’s love interest. That statement could not be more wrong. From the beginning of the series Allison knew who she wanted to be as a person and she chased after it until her dying breath. Allison entered into Beacon Hills High as an independent woman, a champion archer, and a kind-hearted person. She quickly stole both the hearts of Scott McCall and the fans of Teen Wolf . Allison went on to become other things: Lydia Martin’s best friend and cheerleader, she was person Stiles Stilinski could always depend on, and a sort-of rival to Derek Hale. 

Character Review MTV's Teen Wolf

Scott McCall: True Alpha Scott McCall: best friend, loyal, trustworthy, kind, smart, fighter, noble, leader, heroic. MTV’s Teen Wolf ended Sunday September 24th after six years of success. In a pervious review (linked at the bottom) of Teen Wolf   I spoke about some of the obvious faults of the series. Yet, Scott McCall continued to save the show time after time. To be said: spoilers for the entire series are in this character review. Played by Tyler Posey, Scott McCall becomes one of the first Latino heroes on American television. I have serious doubts about how Scott would be as a character if not for Tyler Posey. Tyler is and has always been hyper focused on his role and extremely vocal about his love for the show and for Scott. An actor without passion would have made Scott McCall lacking in pretty much every definition of the word. It should be said,  Tyler did not only star as the main character of the show, but a producer and director. Unfortunately Scott h